Effectiveness of phototherapy hire

We receive the question frequently, will hiring a phototherapy unit successfully treat my psoriasis?

The answer, like with all treatments, is that it depends. Everyone’s skin is different and some people are more regimented than others, we find that how consistent someone is makes the largest difference.

The majority of people that hire from us see a significant improvement in their skin. Most people with psoriasis see a large improvement or full remission of the symptoms after treating themselves with phototherapy, but there are of course instances where someone’s skin has not seen a marked improvement. When this happens, we try to drill down to understand why that has been the case and have identified these two main factors:

Consistency: Home treatment is different to that in a hospital, in that there’s nobody there to hold you accountable. Despite starting off consistently, it’s easy to start missing sessions as life gets in the way. Missing some sessions to go on holiday isn’t a big deal, although it may extend the length of the hire needed, but missing sessions each week and taking a sporadic approach to phototherapy significantly effects the success of the treatment. Like a gym routine, consistency is key and we find this (or lack thereof) to be the largest factor determining an unsuccessful treatment, yet its something that can be completely controlled by the individual.

Individuality: Everyone’s skin is unique and while phototherapy is successful at treating psoriasis in the majority of cases, there are some instances where phototherapy has not been successful that a lack of consistency cannot explain. Differences in someones pigmentation, severity of the disease and receptiveness to Ultra Violet light can all have an effect on the success of the treatment. This is something which can’t be controlled by the individual.

With these two factors in mind, there’s a stark difference between the two. The first, consistency, is in the hands of the patient, while the other, individuality is not. The advice here is to control the controllable. For those with psoriasis, there’s no magic cure and it’s important to try different things and give those things the best shot possible at working, whether that’s phototherapy, or something else like a change in diet, trying a new cream or new routine.

Here at Theralux we’re here to help, we provide phototherapy equipment but speak with lots of people who have psoriasis each week, we’re here to listen but also to share what works for others and to learn from each other.

It’s worth noting, that we share what we can, but are not dermatologists, we share thoughts and advice of real people in the real world with the disease. We can’t and don’t give medical advice, but do share the stories of our customers. By working together, we hope that we can increase the collective knowledge of the treatments factors and knowledge of the disease and help individuals like yourself.

If you’d like to find out more or hire a phototherapy unit from us, you can message us here.


My Journey With Psoriasis